Quality Control – Common Tests All Bearings Should Undergo

Posted December 2, 2015 by admin

If your device spins, more than likely it contains a ball bearing. The engineering of these spinning contraptions are at the base of what makes your wheels work, and what gives daily applications such as skateboards and hard drives the will to pull, turn, and push. The diverse functionality of bearings makes it all the more important to test your bearings for quality before putting them into applications. We are looking at quality control, and common tests that all bearings should undergo.

Testing Your Bearings
While bearings that have been damaged, broken, or worn do not always reveal themselves, it is better to be safe than sorry. Use your applications responsibly by testing the quality of your bearings with these easy tests.

Do A Visual Inspection
It is always a good idea to do a visual inspection of your ball bearings if you are in a position to do so. Checking for visual defects can help you repair, or know when to replace your bearings. Often times the root cause of a damaged or failing bearing is due to damaged seals. Once damaged, the seals allow moisture and dirt to enter and wear away the bearing. Some things to look and listen for when inspecting a bearing include:

1. Strange or unnatural noises
2. Discoloration
3. Flaking Along The Rolling Elements
4. Rust
5. Cracks
6. The Roller Bearing Does Not Spin Smoothly
7. There Are Foreign Objects Or Dirt In The Bearing

The Rocking Test
The rocking test is where the wheel bearing will be checked for quality by applying pressure to the top and bottom of the wheel. This creates a rocking motion on the wheel. If there is any open ended free play happening, this means the bearing is unstable and must be replaced.

At VNC we know all there is to know about bearings, and how to keep them spinning. Visit us online or call for a quote today at 800.862.3211

Bearing Maintenance – What You Need To Know

Posted November 16, 2015 by admin

Keeping your roller or ball bearings in tip top shape is essential to a great spin, whether it’s on your vehicle, skateboard, or household appliance. The good news? With just a little bit of bearing maintenance, you’ll be at the top of your game.

1. Keep your bearings free of moisture and dirt, and be sure to keep them well lubricated. This requires attention on your part. You’ll never know if your bearings are looking rough unless you actually take the time to inspect them.

2. Keep an ear out. Just as you should be making a visual check on your bearings, you’ll also want to listen for any unusual sounds. When bearings become dirty they may start emitting a squeak. This means they are in desperate need of a cleaning. Use your preferred cleaning solution and dry your bearings ASAP. Once dried, reapply lubricant to prevent any wear or rusting.

3. Never lubricate dirty bearings. While it may seem like a quick fix for the time being, you should never attempt to oil or lubricate bearings if they are unclean. This may only further harm the bearings by driving the dirt into the gears.

4. Talk to people who know what they’re doing. When it comes to “DIY Bearing Maintenance” make sure you have a friend or associate who knows exactly what they’re talking about. This may only end up ruining your bearings. Instead, choose a knowledgeable bunch (Like us!) who knows exactly what they’re talking about.

We didn’t invent the wheel, we just keep it spinning! Contact VNC Bearing for roller bearings, ball bearings and custom solutions.  Call us today at 614.876.1000