Lubricating Your Bearings: What You Need to Know
Posted June 26, 2015 by admin
At VNC we know bearings. We also know that you want your ball bearings and roller bearings to last as long as possible without rusting or wearing out. Lubricating your bearings will help to keep them in great shape, and requires little time and energy on your part for something that will benefit your bearings’ performance in the long run.
First start by removing your bearings by using a bearing puller.
Next remove the bearing seals. You may be able to do this with a small screwdriver. Your bearing may having one or two seals to remove before getting to the cage and balls. Be careful not to damage the seals during removal.
Clean your bearings first. You’ll want to remove old grease and grime from the bearings for optimum performance afterwards. You may soak your bearings in alcohol, solvent, or use a pre-packaged bearing cleaner. Soak for several minutes before rinsing with clean solvent.
Now you’ll want to reapply lubricant to your bearings. Start by letting them air dry. Never use compressed air to spin the bearing without lubrication. Apply the recommended amount of your chosen lubricant and reinstall the seal(s).
Now you’ve completed greasing up those bearings and you’ll be in for a smoother spin. VNC has been around since 1993, building a reputation for supplying high-quality bearings to our customers. At VNC we’re all about bearings. Call us at 800.862.3211 with any questions or to REQUEST A QUOTE.